Looking for a pair of 32h track hubs. To be used indoors so non sealed bearings is fine.
I really fancied a set of Suzue or Suntour Supurb pro hubs but doubt any will come up at my kind of price!
Or failing finding some nice used ones, anyone had any of these 'tensile track hubs'
£45 posted a pair and weigh 370g on unknown sealed bearings. Neat allen bolt nuts, look suspiciously like novatec's but with a bit more machining in the centre?
Looking for a pair of 32h track hubs. To be used indoors so non sealed bearings is fine.
I really fancied a set of Suzue or Suntour Supurb pro hubs but doubt any will come up at my kind of price!
Or failing finding some nice used ones, anyone had any of these 'tensile track hubs'
£45 posted a pair and weigh 370g on unknown sealed bearings. Neat allen bolt nuts, look suspiciously like novatec's but with a bit more machining in the centre?