I've just bought a slimport adapter. It's pretty cool - it connects to my android device through the micro USB and then lets me connect an HDMI cable to a TV (I'm in a hotel with work) and displays whatever is on the device on the TV.
I have a nexus 4 and nexus 7 with me.
So what I wasn't to do is use the nexus 7 to control the nexus 4 or vice versa so I can have one wired to the TV and the other as the controller.
There are a couple of apps that seem to allow me to do this but require root access. I've never needed to root before so does anyone
A) know how I could do this without rooting
B) if I root what happens. Do I just effectively get administrator access? Is there a danger of me losing anything? Is there a simple guide to do this. I've googled briefly but don't want to install a custom ROM - just want to control one nexus device with another.
Question to the androiders.
I've just bought a slimport adapter. It's pretty cool - it connects to my android device through the micro USB and then lets me connect an HDMI cable to a TV (I'm in a hotel with work) and displays whatever is on the device on the TV.
I have a nexus 4 and nexus 7 with me.
So what I wasn't to do is use the nexus 7 to control the nexus 4 or vice versa so I can have one wired to the TV and the other as the controller.
There are a couple of apps that seem to allow me to do this but require root access. I've never needed to root before so does anyone
A) know how I could do this without rooting
B) if I root what happens. Do I just effectively get administrator access? Is there a danger of me losing anything? Is there a simple guide to do this. I've googled briefly but don't want to install a custom ROM - just want to control one nexus device with another.