• #177
Flying in from Los Angeles. I'll be working in London for a couple weeks starting January 6. I wanted to see what kind of rides are going on and if anyone's got a lead on a relatively cheap conversion fixie or track bike. How's the weather? Wet and cold?
• #178
weather, man it's the same as LA!!!! Just bring shorts and t-shirts!! And spin fast to keep warm!!
• #179
nothing is cheep in ldn, just bring enough pink phils to sell on ebay and youl cover the cost of your flight
• #180
yeah that's the rumor.
• #181
its what i plan on doing, but i got to cover my visa fees as well.
• #182
vegansdontneedgears nothing is cheep in ldn, just bring enough pink phils to sell on ebay and youl cover the cost of your flight
I read that as "pink pills"..
and wondered what the point was as birth control is readily available here.. ;)
• #183
damn that halfs my trips income.
• #184
I am going to london tomorrow, but the airplanecompany does not allow bikes on the plane(how is that for a film title?)... does anyone have one, perhaps two spare bikes(does not have to anything special at all) i could borrow for about a week? just some old old beaters or grannybikes:) if you have it would be awesome and would happily return the favor, if you and/or some of you friends ever come to Copenhagen..:) if you have anything at all, I'll leave this site open for the rest of the night, or else you can contact me at my email address: frederik.201092@gmail.com or send me a textmessage(think a call would be somewhat expensive) at +45 50920590 (just dial 0045 + 50920590)
kind regards,,,
frederik juul
• #185
hey guys,
i'll be coming to London in the end of march, hopefully to see Arsenal play against city, and even more hopefully we are still first by then.. anw, any recommendations regarding hotels and places to visit while we are there? i've to the UK twice but never in London so any recommendations are welcome.
regarding hotels nothing to fancy, around the 50 gbp per night mark.
i wouldnt leave your number there is i were you....its slightly dodgy,edit it
ive saved it on my phone,il let you know whats going on later.