• #13902
Question to others. I tried Google play music when it first came out but a) it didn't recognise meta-data e.g. ratings b} had no smart playlist functionality c) as was cloud delivered was no good if I had no data connection - the storing locally thing seemed useless.
Is it worth trying again?
Ratings are there (only as thumbs up / down) as are play counts, although that being said it doesn't seem to update them after the initial upload.
It has instant mixes which I assume are similar to smart playlists.
Storing locally works, although it takes a good while if you initially want to store a lot of music. One point to note though is that music kept on the phone via play music sync is only visible to the play music app (not sure if other developers have found away around this yet or not)
I quite like using it now as I don't store any music on my phone anymore and just stream seeing as I haven't found a situation where I'd want to use it without an internet connection yet.
• #13903
Thanks fade. Seems like it is the same as when I tried it.
As I use ratings based playlists so much and travel abroad with work regularly so often don't have internet connection I'll stick with double twist.
Still think it's odd that Google just went with the thumbs up / down thing.
So to get the local storage do you effectively have to let it sync for a while?
• #13904
Think the thumbs up / down is linked into instant mixes, rate something up for more tracks like it, down for something different. Only got two tracks rated in my library (and I'm not really sure why I rated them in the first place), so it doesn't really bother me!
Once you've selected the files you want on your device you should get a notification saying keeping selected music with a progress bar, seemed to take a fair while when I did it, although it was over a relatively poor internet connection.
• #13905
With an iPhone/safari you tap the top of the screen and it scrolls to the top.
is there an analogous command with Android/chrome?
• #13906
Samsung did that a while back on there ROMs (don't know if before or after apfel), don't think it's in stock though.
• #13907
You say this like it is a bad thing where I would say "that's the whole point of it"
Its a bad thing if you are syncing a copy of 'your' files which are physically sitting next to you!
• #13908
hope url works, Tweetdeck bring switched off was a sad day, settled on Carbon as a replacement but now thats going too by the sound of it? Could see me quietly flounce from twitter.
• #13910
Samsung really are turning out to be the really crap evil empire.
At least Apple are plain faced about it and turn out quality products and you knew what you were buying into from the outset.
Samsung continually launches half-finished products onto the market, and are not public about the fact that unless you buy all Samsung products none of it will work as expected.
Currently looking at the TVs and Smart Blue-Ray players... they've broken all standards (DLNA and MediaCast) and replaced it with their own broken versions that only work with other Samsung products.
What this means is that you can run a home media server if it happens to be a Samsung box with Windows running Samsung software.
And you can cast a video from your phone to your TV, assuming the phone is Samsung and the TV is Samsung.
It's shitty monopolistic behaviour.
What should happen is that you should be able to buy any phone, and any TV, and any home media server... and it should all just work.
Samsung... fuck 'em.
• #13911
I must admit after the fuck up they made with the 4.3 release to my S3 I'll be looking at a Nexus 4 for the next upgrade.
Even though I do like removable batteries and memory slots.
• #13912
Is it possible to buy a nexus in a shop (I know, madness!) without a contract? I can't face going on holiday at the end of next week with my POC iPhone, which refuses to make calls half the time. Google say its 1-2 working days to ship and another 1-3 to deliver. No good.
• #13913
yes for £50 more; the price is google exclusive sadly
• #13914
Ah so cheaper for me to order with amazon prime then...
• #13915
• #13916
It's annoying - really want the 32 gb, but paying almost 400 for it.. Hm.
• #13917
i'm finally picking up a moto g on monday, did anyone here get the kitkat update yet?
• #13918
• #13919
You can buy an lg g2 on PAYG for 400.
• #13920
enjoying this as a means of pushing content to my phone
• #13921
I must admit after the fuck up they made with the 4.3 release to my S3 I'll be looking at a Nexus 4 for the next upgrade.
Even though I do like removable batteries and memory slots.
• #13922
Question to the androiders.
I've just bought a slimport adapter. It's pretty cool - it connects to my android device through the micro USB and then lets me connect an HDMI cable to a TV (I'm in a hotel with work) and displays whatever is on the device on the TV.
I have a nexus 4 and nexus 7 with me.
So what I wasn't to do is use the nexus 7 to control the nexus 4 or vice versa so I can have one wired to the TV and the other as the controller.
There are a couple of apps that seem to allow me to do this but require root access. I've never needed to root before so does anyone
A) know how I could do this without rooting
B) if I root what happens. Do I just effectively get administrator access? Is there a danger of me losing anything? Is there a simple guide to do this. I've googled briefly but don't want to install a custom ROM - just want to control one nexus device with another.Cheers.
• #13923
Root access in this instance gives the app administrator access, which means it can do pretty much whatever it likes.
I doubt it'll delete anything and it won't install a custom ROM.
• #13924
So do I need to set up root access on the devices or just install the apps ?
• #13925
Just install the apps I think, and allow the to have root access. Personally I'd only do this with apps from a reputable source.
Tell me how simple apple is ..