Seems to me coffee shops are so popular, maybe we should wonder about coffee and its impact on developing countries. Raises all sorts of issues about cash crops in general.
Like cocao, tropical fruit, drugs, cotton ... coffee is often grown by people who really live in very poor conditions. Who makes the profits? Is child labour used? Are dangerous chemicals used? What are the food-miles of coffee?
I love the stuff but sometimes I wonder if our coffee habit is good for our fellow human beings in developing countries.
Not sure where your ride fits in. I think the idea that drinking lots of coffee on the way could help coffee growers is a bit fatuous-sounding.
I for one have a but of a problem with treating cycling as a de facto charitable sacrifice/effort rather than just a liberating joy in itself.
Seems to me coffee shops are so popular, maybe we should wonder about coffee and its impact on developing countries. Raises all sorts of issues about cash crops in general.
Like cocao, tropical fruit, drugs, cotton ... coffee is often grown by people who really live in very poor conditions. Who makes the profits? Is child labour used? Are dangerous chemicals used? What are the food-miles of coffee?
I love the stuff but sometimes I wonder if our coffee habit is good for our fellow human beings in developing countries.
Not sure where your ride fits in. I think the idea that drinking lots of coffee on the way could help coffee growers is a bit fatuous-sounding.
I for one have a but of a problem with treating cycling as a de facto charitable sacrifice/effort rather than just a liberating joy in itself.