Yesterday I noticed two new road tyres just left propped up by a fence near my flat.
Nothing wrong with them accept from a little rain water collecting in the bottom.
I've had a little bad luck recently and as it happens I need some new tyres for my Fuji track.. decided it was the universal karma trying to correct itself (long way to go yet)
Was wondering what would hippy have done instead?
If anyone has lost two black Kenda 700x23 tyres in Brixton and PM's me with an exact description i'll return them.
Yesterday I noticed two new road tyres just left propped up by a fence near my flat.
Nothing wrong with them accept from a little rain water collecting in the bottom.
I've had a little bad luck recently and as it happens I need some new tyres for my Fuji track.. decided it was the universal karma trying to correct itself (long way to go yet)
Was wondering what would hippy have done instead?
If anyone has lost two black Kenda 700x23 tyres in Brixton and PM's me with an exact description i'll return them.