I am looking to trade/ sell my 5D MKII - any advise on what camera+lens (as I would like to get a nice zoom). The 7D looks ok.
Do I get this right - you are willing to trade / sell your 5D MkII -
asking for "any advise on what camera+lens", you would like to get a "nice zoom". And the "7D looks ok".
Why don't you use your MkII ?
Why would anyone even think about stepping down from full format to APS-C ?
Do I get this right - you are willing to trade / sell your 5D MkII -
asking for "any advise on what camera+lens", you would like to get a "nice zoom". And the "7D looks ok".
Why don't you use your MkII ?
Why would anyone even think about stepping down from full format to APS-C ?