Again, that's fair enough, I've only got DHB and capo stuff to compare rapha to. I like my capo stuff though, it's good, but it's all black and as I'm riding solo now that I've moved home, I'm wearing the PTJ every day as it's orange and a bit more visible. I'd like to try assos bibs though.
I can definitely tell a massive difference between my DHB bibs and the rapha ones though.
Again, that's fair enough, I've only got DHB and capo stuff to compare rapha to. I like my capo stuff though, it's good, but it's all black and as I'm riding solo now that I've moved home, I'm wearing the PTJ every day as it's orange and a bit more visible. I'd like to try assos bibs though.
I can definitely tell a massive difference between my DHB bibs and the rapha ones though.