TalkTalk have had something similar to this for quite a while now. Tested it out and at times seemed completely arbitrary. Some of the blocked stuff made no sense, till I started noticing a pattern of there being a public forum/input style to the sites involved. I figured it out when signing up to a new blogging platform. It didn't make sense as to why they would block some of the pages will I realised it was the page where you download the documentation.
Don't even bother reporting the page as a mistake, because its not actually connected to anything or anyone.
TalkTalk have had something similar to this for quite a while now. Tested it out and at times seemed completely arbitrary. Some of the blocked stuff made no sense, till I started noticing a pattern of there being a public forum/input style to the sites involved. I figured it out when signing up to a new blogging platform. It didn't make sense as to why they would block some of the pages will I realised it was the page where you download the documentation.
Don't even bother reporting the page as a mistake, because its not actually connected to anything or anyone.