• Nice list, but I do expect peeps to dropout tomorrow, so if anyone is not on the list but keen to be in the main draft, then be there by 10.30 latest, first game starts at 11. If you are running late but still wanna play, drop me a text/whatsapp, Zero75Zero3274175, so captains could be informed accordingly. Late comers are still allowed to sub, but it would have to be like for like, no sandbagging.

    Also, where are the captains? I will select captains on the day if peeps don't start volunteering, no appeals allowed ;)


    1. Chrispickering


    1. James Canterbury
    2. Fin
    3. Beagle
    4. Dt
    5. Adam Canterbury
    6. Stu
    7. Emmet
    8. Chan
    9. Loius
    10. Antonio
    11. Matt EMM
    12. Mya
    13. Killer Joe
    14. Jimmy citygent
    15. Scott
    16. JamieLewis
    17. edd23pi
    18. Shane
    19. Tum
    20. Luca
    21. Kris
    22. Nick
    23. Ali
    24. Roo
    25. Seb
    26. Jamie
    27. Iain (could only confirm on Sunday morning)
    28. Zoe
    29. Hayden
    30. Chris
    31. Danielle
    32. Johannes
    33. flavio
    34. nktdan