"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."
If you did anything around here other than use the place as a fee-free Ebay, you'd know that selling something that isn't what it appears to be (without making that abundantly clear) is not the done thing: relying on semantics and Caveat Emptor isn't the way to treat your own.
Sure we'll miss your incisive analysis, but at least we'll have the opportunity to stitch our sides up, you wag (I don't know what Louiee's problem was: my ROFLcopter is still circling the LOLcano)!
"If it looks like a cunt, swims like a cunt and quacks like a cunt, then you probably are a cunt."
"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."
If you did anything around here other than use the place as a fee-free Ebay, you'd know that selling something that isn't what it appears to be (without making that abundantly clear) is not the done thing: relying on semantics and Caveat Emptor isn't the way to treat your own.
Perhaps you should find a more gullible clientèle?
Sure we'll miss your incisive analysis, but at least we'll have the opportunity to stitch our sides up, you wag (I don't know what Louiee's problem was: my ROFLcopter is still circling the LOLcano)!
"If it looks like a cunt, swims like a cunt and quacks like a cunt, then you probably are a cunt."