I've done it, probably easier than doing 35mm really.
Would suggest a developer like Rodinal though or you're going to rinse the chemicals at 900ml a go. Taco didn't work great with Foma sheet film but it's super cheap, just seemed to scratch a lot of stuff.
Ag photographic maybe? they have that foma film back in stock if you want to experiment with cheaper stuff first. Or Silverprint/Morco.
I've done it, probably easier than doing 35mm really.
Would suggest a developer like Rodinal though or you're going to rinse the chemicals at 900ml a go. Taco didn't work great with Foma sheet film but it's super cheap, just seemed to scratch a lot of stuff.
Ag photographic maybe? they have that foma film back in stock if you want to experiment with cheaper stuff first. Or Silverprint/Morco.