It states replica which means it's not fake, it's not counterfeit and there's no attempt to con anyone.
What do people think they're buying when they a Ford Focus RS, BMW M3, Audi RS4, Mercedes AMG Replica exactly?
The point is more about their reaction of "forcing" me to put Chinese Carbon Wheels when they have no idea where they were made. And you can't dish out sarcasm to fellow members when you're not prepared to take some back.
Make up your own minds, as far as I'm concerned the mods on bikeradar are full of ssshh it.
It's not the point.
It states replica which means it's not fake, it's not counterfeit and there's no attempt to con anyone.
What do people think they're buying when they a Ford Focus RS, BMW M3, Audi RS4, Mercedes AMG Replica exactly?
The point is more about their reaction of "forcing" me to put Chinese Carbon Wheels when they have no idea where they were made. And you can't dish out sarcasm to fellow members when you're not prepared to take some back.
Make up your own minds, as far as I'm concerned the mods on bikeradar are full of ssshh it.