So, tickets booked for mid-January for a two week blast around somewhere I've never been to, ever pondered going to, or know much about.
However when Mrs Go Ellis has an old friend living there with the offer of a spare room, we couldn't really turn down the offer of at least a week's free accommodation...
So - who's been, what's fun and how the fuck did polo get to Puerto Rico?
Staying in San Juan for a few nights, then going east, planning on doing a couple of islands and then after that who knows.
Should we take bikes? How do you avoid fat Americans? How easy is the bus service? What shouldn't be missed? Is couchsurfer much use there?
A potential John Malkovich autograph for best tips, plus potential return London accommodation for US poloistas if they're ever in London.
So, tickets booked for mid-January for a two week blast around somewhere I've never been to, ever pondered going to, or know much about.
However when Mrs Go Ellis has an old friend living there with the offer of a spare room, we couldn't really turn down the offer of at least a week's free accommodation...
So - who's been, what's fun and how the fuck did polo get to Puerto Rico?
Staying in San Juan for a few nights, then going east, planning on doing a couple of islands and then after that who knows.
Should we take bikes? How do you avoid fat Americans? How easy is the bus service? What shouldn't be missed? Is couchsurfer much use there?
A potential John Malkovich autograph for best tips, plus potential return London accommodation for US poloistas if they're ever in London.