Keeping the group set cranks and brakes is certainly easier- there will be no compatibility 'gotcha' moments to worry about.
However there are some usage cases when using one of the modular cranksets is an advantage- wishing to swap between BCD's, wishing to fit a powermeter, wishing to lose some weight etc.
It's also more involving, as it requires a bit of research, and I think the fun aspect of specifying your bike shouldn't be overlooked.
Keeping the group set cranks and brakes is certainly easier- there will be no compatibility 'gotcha' moments to worry about.
However there are some usage cases when using one of the modular cranksets is an advantage- wishing to swap between BCD's, wishing to fit a powermeter, wishing to lose some weight etc.
It's also more involving, as it requires a bit of research, and I think the fun aspect of specifying your bike shouldn't be overlooked.