I've just acquired an old road bike, which is badged as a Condor - and I'm after some help identifying it. I've googled quite a few images but don't recognise anything similar.
It's a light, steel frame but any id badges have been removed or never put on - so I've no idea of the tubesets. The lugs are nothing too ornate and the group is basic (Miche and indexed Suntour) - so it's nothing very special. I'm guessing early 90s?
I've just acquired an old road bike, which is badged as a Condor - and I'm after some help identifying it. I've googled quite a few images but don't recognise anything similar.
It's a light, steel frame but any id badges have been removed or never put on - so I've no idea of the tubesets. The lugs are nothing too ornate and the group is basic (Miche and indexed Suntour) - so it's nothing very special. I'm guessing early 90s?
Any ideas welcome: