• #52
A future career beckons as a marketing executive lynx.
So succinct, so seductive, so lynx.
• #53
was this post after east drinks?
• #54
• #55
Merged with a few other generic road safety campaign threads.
• #56
You should have followed Clive's advice on merging
• #57
Now now kiddies, play nice.
• #58
I feel that the last merging operation actually made our roads less safe...
• #59
Its was more about fucking inept vehicle drivers, and yes after a few medicinal sweet sherries with a pretty german girl.
Being drunk saved me from serious injury.
• #60
nice tags
• #61
Article on cycle safety and fear or something.
• #62
I made it through the article's title, did some scrolling, saw acknowledgements.
I think I'll get a kebab for lunch..
• #63
yep... too big for me too.
• #64
Series on BBC2 about road safety
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01nqccq -
• #65
Traffic calming measures cause crashes:
http://drivetoworkday.org/2012/10/31/how-safe-are-british-roads/ -
• #66
So because the driver was too inpatient to wait until they passed the island to overtake and in turn ruined their car its the cyclists fault, also because people cycle they can't afford cars? I would love to meet that guy and give him a good slap, they can't honestly believe what they are saying?
• #67
I think this whole "drive to work" day thing might be taken too seriously.
• #68
I think this whole "drive to work" day thing might be taken too seriously.
I'm sure it isn't meant to be taken literally but lets be honest, the majority of road users that are "Road Tax" warriors are likely to lack the iq needed to laugh it off.
• #69
So because the driver was too inpatient to wait until they passed the island to overtake and in turn ruined their car its the cyclists fault, also because people cycle they can't afford cars? I would love to meet that guy and give him a good slap, they can't honestly believe what they are saying?
I gather that guy comes to Easts drinks occasionally if you wish to give him a slap.
• #70
VB - Can we make this a sticky for a few months?
1. Avoid overtaking lorries on their left.
- Check behind you before changing position on the road (e.g passing parked cars).
- Make eye contact with other road users, visibility is the only thing
- Position yourself where everyone can see you,
- Get in front of trucks and buses enough so the drivers see you
- Position yourself out of the gutter so oncoming (right turning) traffic sees you
- Even behind a van/truck/bus....MAKE yourself seen, thats your responsibility.
- Put a bell
- Put a brake on your bike.
- [from moving target]
http://www.movingtargetzine.com/foru...r-life/#Item_0 - Vocally make pedestrians aware of your movements
- Do not switch lanes or cut between traffic without looking for other cyclist/motorcyclist filtering down the gaps.
- When passing parked cars. Check your shoulder and pull out with plenty of time. Too many people do it at the last minute.
14.Over exaggerate hand signals . so the thickos get the message - Get out in the cycle box at the front on lights, never sit on the inside
- Be aware for movement in parked cars (pre-empt those opening doors)
- Ride to your abilities
- If you cant see them they can't see you!
- DON'T whether on bike, in car, or on foot use a mobile while navigating a road.
And yes, I will cross a road texting but the amount of times that's got me into a smidsy (as a pedestrian)... even worse if on a bike, and worse still if in a giant transit van with no mirrors.
- Check behind you before changing position on the road (e.g passing parked cars).
• #71
I would love to meet that guy and give him a good slap, they can't honestly believe what they are saying?
Join the queue. His top knot alone is reason enough for getting physical. And not in an Olivier Newton John sense.
• #72
list of people wishing to give him a slap
- WW
- Chris Tim
- DJ
- probably object
- WW
• #73
list of people wishing to give him a slap
- WW
- Chris Tim
- DJ
- probably object
- skydancer
- WW
• #74
am sure he loves a bit of self abuse
• #75
From experience, having been put in hospital, cycling 20 years in cities, and having lost count of my crashes, I have come to know exactly when I will crash, and that is when I don't follow the most important rule:
Complete and utter 100% absolute FOCUS, CONCENTRATION and AWARENESS
Even when some twat doesn't use their mirror, doesn't indicate, opens their door, cuts a cycle lane, whatever, I consider it my mistake if I crash because I didn't predict them. Every time I've ever crashed I've looked back and thought I could have predicted that, or the way I was cycling wasn't allowing for that to happen.
The only assumption I make is that people are not intentionally trying to kill me, without that assumption you can't even cross the road.
In order to have 100% focus:
a) Don't think about anything except how to make the next maneuver safely.
b) Have an objective, a place in your mind where you want to stop - NEVER EVER cycle in a city without a specific point in space you intend on arriving at.
c) If you find yourself lost, not knowing which way to turn, carry on with the flow, move with the traffic. Slow down, remain focused on moving with the traffic. Then only when you are nice and slow, pick a point to dismount. Then, once stationary, you can think about which way to go.
d) Ride as fast as you can while being aware of your stopping distance. Never ride casually, never enjoy the landmarks, get to your objective ASAP.
And this, frankly, is a fucking stupid idea.