I can make 10 tomorrow (I say now cause it`s still early evening.......and just about to go out ;-).
Do you know guys whether the Hare and Hounds is still doing that Bike Lounge? Cause I think it would be good to go there as that was the event where I met Mya and she got me into Bike Polo :-) Maybe itd be a goodadvert. And of course share it on FB if someone could do anevent` on it or something. What you think?
I can make 10 tomorrow (I say now cause it`s still early evening.......and just about to go out ;-).
Do you know guys whether the Hare and Hounds is still doing that Bike Lounge? Cause I think it would be good to go there as that was the event where I met Mya and she got me into Bike Polo :-) Maybe it
d be a good
advert. And of course share it on FB if someone could do an
event` on it or something. What you think?And well done Kat! Great job! ;-)