I have an Exposure Six pack. It started playing up a few weeks ago, so I sent it back. It is one of the very first ones, so probably 2 and a few months old. It was fixed and returned in 4 days, FOC.
Last night I hit a deep pothole in heavy traffic, (I never saw it, just crashed into it) and the light became loose on the handlebars. Fortunately the balance is good, so it stayed more or less in place and I was able to ride home OK. When I checked later I found the roll pin holding the two halves together had broken. I emailed Exposure today and they promised to post me one out immediately. /attachments/77823
Full marks Exposure.
All that and it lights up the road like the sun!
I have an Exposure Six pack. It started playing up a few weeks ago, so I sent it back. It is one of the very first ones, so probably 2 and a few months old. It was fixed and returned in 4 days, FOC.
Last night I hit a deep pothole in heavy traffic, (I never saw it, just crashed into it) and the light became loose on the handlebars. Fortunately the balance is good, so it stayed more or less in place and I was able to ride home OK. When I checked later I found the roll pin holding the two halves together had broken. I emailed Exposure today and they promised to post me one out immediately.
Full marks Exposure.
All that and it lights up the road like the sun!
1 Attachment