God, Google Translate is so utterly shit. The word used there is "Einnehmen", which in this context means 'the take-up' (of seats). It can also refer to taking things orally, e.g. "das Einnehmen von Pillen".
Die Swingtickets berechtigen zum Einnehmen freier Sitzplätze in den genannten Blöcken [...]
'The swing tickets entitle [the holder] to sit down in unoccupied seats in the blocks to which they apply ...'
God, Google Translate is so utterly shit. The word used there is "Einnehmen", which in this context means 'the take-up' (of seats). It can also refer to taking things orally, e.g. "das Einnehmen von Pillen".
'The swing tickets entitle [the holder] to sit down in unoccupied seats in the blocks to which they apply ...'