• #2
I have one but it's not best condition check here: https://picasaweb.google.com/100521097855449094739/Various?authuser=0&feat=directlink
• #3
a bit too far gone for my NOS (ish) build
but thanks -
• #4
100% usable but definitely not for a show bike... good luck
• #5
i have one Simplex, on ebay.com
if you are interested, in my laafleur pseudonym.
Hi French bike lovers or random Simplex owners
i'm looking for a Simplex SLJ or Super LJ front derailleur band-on to complete a Peugeot build
comme ça
there are a few different versions, some say Peugeot which is fine, some have the S logo. Interested in all.
preferably though saying Simplex with the silver panel and preferably mint
many thanks, ben