I've got a 312 word text which will be roughly 500 words once finished.
I need a lot of 'key' words adding and just to make it sound a little smarter in general. It's for a new brochure I'm producing so haz 2 make ppl think im cleaver.
I'm on a fairly tight budget but I'm more than happy to pay or swap for parts.
I've been in contact with a few local copywriters but would rather use someone off the forum, community n'all.
Hi all,
looking for a copywriter!
I've got a 312 word text which will be roughly 500 words once finished.
I need a lot of 'key' words adding and just to make it sound a little smarter in general. It's for a new brochure I'm producing so haz 2 make ppl think im cleaver.
I'm on a fairly tight budget but I'm more than happy to pay or swap for parts.
I've been in contact with a few local copywriters but would rather use someone off the forum, community n'all.