Is it just me that thinks that super tight clearance looks shit in the majority of cases?
It's okay if you have a crown that matches the profile of the tyre (like that curvy chrome one above), or a flat crown with a cut out that matches the tyre, but with a mismatched curve or a flat brake bridge, it just looks either thrown together from ill-suited, mismatched parts or a badly designed frame. (Like that Even(?) or purple/white thing above).
Is it just me that thinks that super tight clearance looks shit in the majority of cases?
It's okay if you have a crown that matches the profile of the tyre (like that curvy chrome one above), or a flat crown with a cut out that matches the tyre, but with a mismatched curve or a flat brake bridge, it just looks either thrown together from ill-suited, mismatched parts or a badly designed frame. (Like that Even(?) or purple/white thing above).