I recently bought a Stages Rival for a TT bike project. Still waiting on some bits to get it built, but realised that it would fit the Omniums on my Langster, so decided to give it a whirl today. 170 on the Stages and 172.5 on the Omniums, but I couldn't really notice it on the road.
I have to say, I'm really impressed with it. Easy to install, easy to pair with the Garmin and easy to set the zero off set. The readings seemed pretty stable (even in real time power display, but even more so in the 3s average mode) and consistent with what I'd expect from the powertap I had a few years ago. As far as I can tell the only real downside is it's reliance on the overall power extrapolation from the LH only, but this isn't a concern of mine. Even if I'm not 50/50 balanced, the readings will be consistent from one session to the next and that's all I really care about. I love the fact I can swap it between bikes easily and doubly so that it can also be used on the fixed gear. I think a minor issue that would only affect the fixed gear is that it dropped the cadence reading momentarily when I was "soft pedalling" at high cadence on a steep descent.
My opinion, for what it's worth: at <£600 I'd say it's a bargain.
I recently bought a Stages Rival for a TT bike project. Still waiting on some bits to get it built, but realised that it would fit the Omniums on my Langster, so decided to give it a whirl today. 170 on the Stages and 172.5 on the Omniums, but I couldn't really notice it on the road.
I have to say, I'm really impressed with it. Easy to install, easy to pair with the Garmin and easy to set the zero off set. The readings seemed pretty stable (even in real time power display, but even more so in the 3s average mode) and consistent with what I'd expect from the powertap I had a few years ago. As far as I can tell the only real downside is it's reliance on the overall power extrapolation from the LH only, but this isn't a concern of mine. Even if I'm not 50/50 balanced, the readings will be consistent from one session to the next and that's all I really care about. I love the fact I can swap it between bikes easily and doubly so that it can also be used on the fixed gear. I think a minor issue that would only affect the fixed gear is that it dropped the cadence reading momentarily when I was "soft pedalling" at high cadence on a steep descent.
My opinion, for what it's worth: at <£600 I'd say it's a bargain.