took her out to calder last night. stupid busy. andra guys were busting my balls on tech inspection, luckily it was booked in for proper inspection next mon, so they let me slide. warned me i'd get a tap on the shoulder if i ran in the low 10's.
by the time i hit the track the line was back to the turn-off for timeslips, so it was a patient wait in line. lucky no oil downs.
first run on soft launch, 10.79@130 with 1.61, track seemed sticky, so decided to nail second run. nothing from andra guys so lined up again, wayy down the back. temps dropping and track was getting sticky.
nice big burnout, she launched off the line so kept the boot in, short shifted a little to be safe. going back thru pits no andra guys, but track marshalls weren't letting any more cars thru. was a little disappointed as thought it was a 10.4 or something. then i see a mate and he's jumping up and down shouting 10.1, didn't believe him so back to collect time slip. 10.15@132.4 with 1.47 60ft. absolutely over the moon. car went dead straight and strong.
she's already back at the workshop for tech inspection on mon, also got some scales lined up. definately going to aim for 9.xx n/a, which is possible if i can get 135 mph. still running a safe rich tune and only spinning it to 6900-7000. also need to pick-up adjustable rear upper control arms and boxed lowers. stay tuned.
took her out to calder last night. stupid busy. andra guys were busting my balls on tech inspection, luckily it was booked in for proper inspection next mon, so they let me slide. warned me i'd get a tap on the shoulder if i ran in the low 10's.
by the time i hit the track the line was back to the turn-off for timeslips, so it was a patient wait in line. lucky no oil downs.
first run on soft launch, 10.79@130 with 1.61, track seemed sticky, so decided to nail second run. nothing from andra guys so lined up again, wayy down the back. temps dropping and track was getting sticky.
nice big burnout, she launched off the line so kept the boot in, short shifted a little to be safe. going back thru pits no andra guys, but track marshalls weren't letting any more cars thru. was a little disappointed as thought it was a 10.4 or something. then i see a mate and he's jumping up and down shouting 10.1, didn't believe him so back to collect time slip. 10.15@132.4 with 1.47 60ft. absolutely over the moon. car went dead straight and strong.
she's already back at the workshop for tech inspection on mon, also got some scales lined up. definately going to aim for 9.xx n/a, which is possible if i can get 135 mph. still running a safe rich tune and only spinning it to 6900-7000. also need to pick-up adjustable rear upper control arms and boxed lowers. stay tuned.