Here’s a bit of an off-the-wall idea that occurred to me whilst waiting at some lights recently. If I stop my car too close to the lights in front and to the left of me, the roof line at the top of my windscreen starts to block my sightline to them forcing me to move my eyes to the ones on the opposite side of the junction ( or to hunker down a bit to see them again ).
I thought, what if the lights on the opposite side of the road (and to my right) were not available to me. I would then need to ensure that I stopped well before the lights on my side so that they wouldn’t get blocked by my roofline. I would then by default be leaving space next to the lights for cyclists or indeed way before any ASL.
I can see this wouldn’t affect all vehicles the same way of course (e.g. trucks, soft-tops) but the act of removing of the opposite lights would send a message to all road users that the space immediately before the lights is for cyclists so don’t go too far into it or your won’t be able to see when the lights change.
Clever people, is this a really dumb question or is it dumb enough to be clever?
Here’s a bit of an off-the-wall idea that occurred to me whilst waiting at some lights recently. If I stop my car too close to the lights in front and to the left of me, the roof line at the top of my windscreen starts to block my sightline to them forcing me to move my eyes to the ones on the opposite side of the junction ( or to hunker down a bit to see them again ).
I thought, what if the lights on the opposite side of the road (and to my right) were not available to me. I would then need to ensure that I stopped well before the lights on my side so that they wouldn’t get blocked by my roofline. I would then by default be leaving space next to the lights for cyclists or indeed way before any ASL.
I can see this wouldn’t affect all vehicles the same way of course (e.g. trucks, soft-tops) but the act of removing of the opposite lights would send a message to all road users that the space immediately before the lights is for cyclists so don’t go too far into it or your won’t be able to see when the lights change.
Clever people, is this a really dumb question or is it dumb enough to be clever?