Network Rail are doing the absolute bare minimum to control the Japanese knotweed on the land at the back of our house.
I want it gone because I know how hard it was for us to get a mortgage with it there.
Hence I am going to buy myself so Tordon and attack it myself. Instructions are saying late winter/early spring.
Anybody ever used it? Do I want for it to start growing and then drench it? I don't want to cause an ecological disaster but I will terminate with extreme prejudice motherfucker.
CheBeef's link suggests that chemical treatment is the way forward if the ground won't be disturbed, which seems likely if it's an embankment (I'm guessing here). If you want to feel a bit more optimistic, watch the video here. There is research into an insect that will reduce Japanese Knotweed to a rate of growth that renders is much less threatening.
CheBeef's link suggests that chemical treatment is the way forward if the ground won't be disturbed, which seems likely if it's an embankment (I'm guessing here). If you want to feel a bit more optimistic, watch the video here. There is research into an insect that will reduce Japanese Knotweed to a rate of growth that renders is much less threatening.