No, it's not. Apex is Tiagra/105 level. Apparently.
Why not? It's fine, it's a modern groupset.
Apex has the same shifting mechanisms as Rival and Force, the difference is a vastly wider range from the smallest cassette sprocket to the largest on Apex, hence why Xander has, in the past, described it as being 'agricultural.' So even though I've not used Apex, I've shifted with an identical, albeit lighter groupset with a slightly different range of gears.
Become a stronger rider and then bitch and moan about groupsets not being good enough for you :-)
No, it's not. Apex is Tiagra/105 level. Apparently.
Why not? It's fine, it's a modern groupset.
Apex has the same shifting mechanisms as Rival and Force, the difference is a vastly wider range from the smallest cassette sprocket to the largest on Apex, hence why Xander has, in the past, described it as being 'agricultural.' So even though I've not used Apex, I've shifted with an identical, albeit lighter groupset with a slightly different range of gears.
Become a stronger rider and then bitch and moan about groupsets not being good enough for you :-)