If I was to get a pwer meter it would probably be the garmin vector, as I can get it at US trade price through a friend. I'd want to be able to change bikes and wheels fairly easily so the pedal based-ness of the garmin appeals.
It sounds like installing vectors is far from simple. You need precise torque. Yet, with no allen key end, you cant use a standard torque wrench.
Removing a shimano non-driveside crank arm is far easier IMHO.
Still you'd need to be running the same cranks. Plus once you have the right tool for Vectors it s aquestion of taking 15mins instead of 5mins. Which probably isnt important.
It sounds like installing vectors is far from simple. You need precise torque. Yet, with no allen key end, you cant use a standard torque wrench.
Removing a shimano non-driveside crank arm is far easier IMHO.
Still you'd need to be running the same cranks. Plus once you have the right tool for Vectors it s aquestion of taking 15mins instead of 5mins. Which probably isnt important.