• #2
Strada Chainset SOLD
• #3
Price drops on levers and shifters.
• #4
Do you know what year the brake levers are?
• #5
Not got an ID on the levers, I've had a look for a date stamp and I can't find one on there. However, I think they only did drillium style for a bit but that might be a bit wrong.
• #6
Dibs on the brake levers please. PM sent
I've got a few campy things for sale, was going to use them to build up the Fondriest but I've had to abandon the build in face of a more modern road bike.
More photos can be found here - http://www.flickr.com/photos/77819793@N04/sets/72157638152728095/
Firstly, Strada Chainset, original chainrings, bolts, and dust covers. The left crank arm is from a different year, however cosmetically they are identical as far as I can see. - SOLD
Secondly, Super Record brake levers, original hoods - £48
Thirdly, Vicenza down tube band on friction shifters, the bolt is missing from the clamp. - £18