So I've just realised that the bargain track frame I picked up a while ago is for 27" wheels and none of the spare brakes I have will reach the rim of my 700c wheels. My aim was to build it up as cheaply as possible from parts I already had, so this is a bit of a pain. Anyone got a long drop front brake they want to get rid of cheaply? It needs to be for an allen key fitting. Shimano R650 would be ideal.
So I've just realised that the bargain track frame I picked up a while ago is for 27" wheels and none of the spare brakes I have will reach the rim of my 700c wheels. My aim was to build it up as cheaply as possible from parts I already had, so this is a bit of a pain. Anyone got a long drop front brake they want to get rid of cheaply? It needs to be for an allen key fitting. Shimano R650 would be ideal.