• Right, so I said I had exactly the right number of bikes. But, and there's always a 'but', I missed the lo-pro Fort I flogged to Dakin. Also, I've always wanted a Mercian. So, when this frame came up, with a bit of a furore about the price, I asked a few questions about it. Anyway, it went onto fleabay and was sold, except the buyer didn't pay.... Soooooo, it ended up being offered to me at a decent price (thank you, Becky), really it was the perfect storm.

    The plan is to make it into a fixed TT machine, spending as little as possible in the process, £750 is the target! Black bits and Chinese carbon are the order of the day. I've lied to She Who Must Be Obeyed and told her I've got most of the parts, actually I have a seatpost and stem, plus a pair of trispoke tubs for racing on.

    Anyway, here we go again for the last time until the next time.....

    5 Attachments

    • 291113 Merc 1.jpg
    • 291113 Merc 2.jpg
    • 291113 Merc 3.jpg
    • 291113 Merc 4.jpg
    • 291113 Merc 5.jpg