The length of the hill is pretty vital. I've found a beauty. Been running it for years. But its part of a run that contains bigger more interesting climbs. So I've never really considered it. Anyway, joined Strava, and noticed after transfering data I'd taken 3rd on a climb I tend to ease off on. Attacked it and went from a fast cruising HR of say 156, to 174 at the top. Think 174 is a recent record. If the hill was 3 meters longer I would have passed out. Do repeats on it now if I have the time.
The length of the hill is pretty vital. I've found a beauty. Been running it for years. But its part of a run that contains bigger more interesting climbs. So I've never really considered it. Anyway, joined Strava, and noticed after transfering data I'd taken 3rd on a climb I tend to ease off on. Attacked it and went from a fast cruising HR of say 156, to 174 at the top. Think 174 is a recent record. If the hill was 3 meters longer I would have passed out. Do repeats on it now if I have the time.
Cheers Strava (yes I CR'd it).