It was a strange event.
A few (not many at all) TfL personnel were peering down from Palestra building.
The road was closed from the junction with Stamford Street to St George's circus so the people seemed quite isolated with their protest. There were some media and people being interviewed. Lots of hi viz and helmets.
It was very downbeat. It started with a woman singinging some sad operatic music then some sombre cello playing. Some guy spoke for what seemed ages though I couldn't hear a word.
I was standing outside The Ring pub when people got on the ground. The drinkers and passers by were taking picture (as was I). They were making jokes. Saying things like 'Some of those idiots aren't wearing their helmets to bed' and 'Bet they've got ipods in so they can listen to music while they sleep' . They got up after about 10-15 minutes then more speeches. People were slowly moving on (many to CM which was busy).
Whole exercise seemed pointless. There didn't seem to be a coherent message
....and yet the chief organiser will undoubtedly throw his own spin on proceedings, tell some whopping lies, sneer at his critics (or those who just don't agree with his approach) and make a claim for the moral and political high-ground, which is precisely what he has done time and time again, piggy-backing various community organisations to get his somewhat extreme messages heard.
Sorry to sound so cynical, just talking from my experience.
Sorry to sound so cynical, just talking from my experience.