• Not sure what the big deal is with enforcing the ASL, RLJ'ing, twats with no lights? The 'advice' may irk some, but you just have to shut up and you'll be back on your way soon enough.

    Because it would be a more appropriate and effectivfe use of their limited time and resource to police activities that are actually beneficial to cyclists, and that might lead to cyclists being safer.

    This morning, as a case in point - Popo at the junction, looking at fuck knows what (other than my shitty stare), but ignoring the punishment pass that I receive for daring to take primary at a pinch point.

    Inconsistently applied, pig fucking ignorant knowledge of the law, pandering to the vocal motorist lobby, marginalising people on bicyces as second class citizens, with the externality of making cycling less safe.

    So, yeah - Fuck 'em. Fuck'em in the face and the neck.
