Oh, I didn't notice that Maddie subbed for another team. I guess if it is an injury and the other team agrees then we can go with it -- but this must be a last resort. If there is any non-league player around to sub that should be the first choice. Thanks.
hey, Maddie subbed for us (Thundershafts) taking Johannes place, against WestWay. We only knew Jo was not playing 50 mins before the game. Maddie was at the court and offered to sub - we were aware that this was against the rule, but she was the only one for subbing; WestWay agreed to this. We also were aware that the committee could disqualify the game and that was fine by us and we talked about it with WestWay and Maddie, but we thought since we were there to play the game any way and leave the decision up to you - in fact disqualifying the game (and getting penalised with 15-0) would work better for Thundershafts as the game finished 22 - 1 (for Westway). So WestWay is happy for the game to be counted; Maddie is happy for playing, and Ana and I are happy we had the chance to play the game rather than not. But again, as we said on post 357 and as Rick mentioned in post 355, we are happy with any decision you make about this:-). I think it is fairer for WestWay to count the game - 22 goals were well deserved.
hey, Maddie subbed for us (Thundershafts) taking Johannes place, against WestWay. We only knew Jo was not playing 50 mins before the game. Maddie was at the court and offered to sub - we were aware that this was against the rule, but she was the only one for subbing; WestWay agreed to this. We also were aware that the committee could disqualify the game and that was fine by us and we talked about it with WestWay and Maddie, but we thought since we were there to play the game any way and leave the decision up to you - in fact disqualifying the game (and getting penalised with 15-0) would work better for Thundershafts as the game finished 22 - 1 (for Westway). So WestWay is happy for the game to be counted; Maddie is happy for playing, and Ana and I are happy we had the chance to play the game rather than not. But again, as we said on post 357 and as Rick mentioned in post 355, we are happy with any decision you make about this:-). I think it is fairer for WestWay to count the game - 22 goals were well deserved.