So I have just done a little maths. So if you go 0.5% for everything under the list price and 10% over it you get this;
first column is the sale price as a % of list, second is the % fee they end up getting in total. You can see that even with 0.5% and 10% they only start getting to the % fee they first quote at around 35% over the list price.
So I have just done a little maths. So if you go 0.5% for everything under the list price and 10% over it you get this;
first column is the sale price as a % of list, second is the % fee they end up getting in total. You can see that even with 0.5% and 10% they only start getting to the % fee they first quote at around 35% over the list price.
100.00% 0.50%
105.00% 0.95%
110.00% 1.36%
115.00% 1.74%
120.00% 2.08%
125.00% 2.40%
130.00% 2.69%
135.00% 2.96%
140.00% 3.21%
145.00% 3.45%
150.00% 3.67%