awesome game last night - great passes, both teams so gelled - nice flow, a bit like ballet ;-) minus the falls (hope you guys are not in much pain today!) it was a real pleasure watching and goal reffing (nicely intense!) Zoe's control is awesome.
Refs for haymakers v 6' under tonight at downs would be great.
Lights from 7-9.
Ref beers provided and there will be a chance for some throw ins.
Ana and I are coming at 7pm till lights are off- both happy to goal ref. / timekeep / work with beagle
see you tonight x
awesome game last night - great passes, both teams so gelled - nice flow, a bit like ballet ;-) minus the falls (hope you guys are not in much pain today!) it was a real pleasure watching and goal reffing (nicely intense!) Zoe's control is awesome.
Ana and I are coming at 7pm till lights are off- both happy to goal ref. / timekeep / work with beagle
see you tonight x