echo getting a slower big bike first off - I've really scared myself a couple of times now on my 650cc - you just forget how quick they can be
Incidentally, I looked outside this morning and thought it looked too frosty for the bike, yet saw two on way to work - what is your personal limit? I just wonder about hitting some frost patches unawares.......the cold that lingers in parts of road shaded by trees etc (dual carrigeways)
echo getting a slower big bike first off - I've really scared myself a couple of times now on my 650cc - you just forget how quick they can be
Incidentally, I looked outside this morning and thought it looked too frosty for the bike, yet saw two on way to work - what is your personal limit? I just wonder about hitting some frost patches unawares.......the cold that lingers in parts of road shaded by trees etc (dual carrigeways)