So, I'm a muppet - fell off this afternoon and broke the r/h shifter - Daytona, so well up-to-date ...
Does anyone happen to know if the shifter body (part no EC-DA231, though apparently DA131 and DA031 will also fit) is likely to be available, and who's best to ask?
(Google hasn't been too helpful. I've emailed Velotech, 'cos I noticed that someone from there posts here ...)
So, I'm a muppet - fell off this afternoon and broke the r/h shifter - Daytona, so well up-to-date ...
Does anyone happen to know if the shifter body (part no EC-DA231, though apparently DA131 and DA031 will also fit) is likely to be available, and who's best to ask?
(Google hasn't been too helpful. I've emailed Velotech, 'cos I noticed that someone from there posts here ...)