• Thx - was the group I was after from the beginning. Managed to avoid paying the usual 5-600 quid for it which is a win, there was even someone on Retrobike asking £1k!! Crazy, this was in the low £300s posted...And it comes with better shifters.

    Regarding fit, 100mm with long reach or 120mm with short reach will fit me, just can't use the Grammo with long reach.

    Also, bit shit that the Grammo isn't a quill, but the quill I had was 26.4, and there's no nice bars in 26.4 that have the flat ramps.

    In conclusion, it's either gonna be Cinelli with Soma bars and a Campag seatpost, or Nitto all round.

    I think it's a good idea to try this lot out before committing to some Noodles, and if the Noodles work better, will then look for a matching stem.
