I won't remember to take a photo when I get home but I recently built some lovely shelves with hidden fittings across a much wider alcove - bit of 2x1 baton some 12mm MDF and away you go. I got all clever and installed hidden lights so it looks proper nice.
Not difficult to do, seriously not difficult.
As long as you plan what you want to do and where you might need to hide cables etc it is fairly simple.
I won't remember to take a photo when I get home but I recently built some lovely shelves with hidden fittings across a much wider alcove - bit of 2x1 baton some 12mm MDF and away you go. I got all clever and installed hidden lights so it looks proper nice.
Not difficult to do, seriously not difficult.
As long as you plan what you want to do and where you might need to hide cables etc it is fairly simple.
Good luck