You don't look in your car mirrors 4 times a second, so you don't need to turn your heard 4 times a second. You're exaggerating for no reason..
Aaah, not trying to start a fight here! And I was of course being flippant.
Seriously though - the eyes are innately enormously good at picking up movement in peripheral vision (there used to be predators out there!) and having three mirrors in that peripheral vision is, I would submit, equivalent to looking over your shoulder pretty damn frequently.
Judging how often to look over my shoulder based on road speed is just not as effective as looking over my shoulder based on hearing a vehicle coming up behind me. It just isn't.
I fully appreciate though that there is a different tactic depending on traffic density - riding down Oxford St on a Saturday? Might as well crank the ACDC to full volume because your hearing is redundant in that sort of traffic.
Aaah, not trying to start a fight here! And I was of course being flippant.
Seriously though - the eyes are innately enormously good at picking up movement in peripheral vision (there used to be predators out there!) and having three mirrors in that peripheral vision is, I would submit, equivalent to looking over your shoulder pretty damn frequently.
Judging how often to look over my shoulder based on road speed is just not as effective as looking over my shoulder based on hearing a vehicle coming up behind me. It just isn't.
I fully appreciate though that there is a different tactic depending on traffic density - riding down Oxford St on a Saturday? Might as well crank the ACDC to full volume because your hearing is redundant in that sort of traffic.