This is a massive, massive problem now. It's gotten a lot worse in the last few years and I can only foresee it getting even worse. Modern smartphones are designed to hold your entire attention, with a high res display, messaging apps, notifications, unlimited data plans means if you choose, you can program your phone to go off all the time. You also have a tiny digital keyboard, meaning you need to actually see the screen, whereas before you could probably text someone with less visual attention. I know it's illegal to dick about with a mobile at the wheel but it's ridiculously unenforceable, I see so many people at it.
As a side rant people in general seem to be obsessed with their smartphones these days, I think it's genuinely an addiction. It's so neurotic.
This is a massive, massive problem now. It's gotten a lot worse in the last few years and I can only foresee it getting even worse. Modern smartphones are designed to hold your entire attention, with a high res display, messaging apps, notifications, unlimited data plans means if you choose, you can program your phone to go off all the time. You also have a tiny digital keyboard, meaning you need to actually see the screen, whereas before you could probably text someone with less visual attention. I know it's illegal to dick about with a mobile at the wheel but it's ridiculously unenforceable, I see so many people at it.
As a side rant people in general seem to be obsessed with their smartphones these days, I think it's genuinely an addiction. It's so neurotic.