I think you'll find that the tone of your posts discourages any interaction, as they are tendentious, patronising, rhetorical, and laden with innuendo and offensive remarks. Even where there is agreement, you manage to dress it up as your interlocutor finally acceding to your long-standing beliefs, which is a little much for me to take on this particular topic, with which I have more than a passing acquaintance.
Accusing me of wanting to take us back the Stone Age is not only historically wrong (the Steam Age came before the Petrol Age), it is actually wrong, as I value the benefits of modern industrial society. Just because I think that we need to re-organise our transport system somewhat for greater efficiency doesn't mean I want be Head Druid at Stonehenge, and such rhetoric doesn't make me want debate with you, it just makes me want to respond in kind, i.e. with cheap debating tricks.
Sorry for OT but is this your blog ? http://buffalobillbikeblog.wordpress.com/2012/12/13/bullitt-cargo-bikes-3-years-on/