Yesterday I got trapped between a backwards rolling minicab and a forwards creeping black cab. Idiots. The black cab knocked my back wheel and I got a vaguely apologetic wave from the driver. Sometimes it feels like no matter what I do, no matter how well I think I'm riding (taking primary etc), bad luck follows me around.
Then today I saw a tipper truck jump a red light. What the fuck???
Didn't get any licence plates and feel annoyed with myself for that.
Yesterday I got trapped between a backwards rolling minicab and a forwards creeping black cab. Idiots. The black cab knocked my back wheel and I got a vaguely apologetic wave from the driver. Sometimes it feels like no matter what I do, no matter how well I think I'm riding (taking primary etc), bad luck follows me around.
Then today I saw a tipper truck jump a red light. What the fuck???
Didn't get any licence plates and feel annoyed with myself for that.