I have moved to the top of a brutally steep hill in Sarf London and combined with having a baby I think I might have been out on the bike about 5 times in the last 8 months. It's really killed my mojo because even after a nice ride the climb at the end always leaves me sweaty and busted of lung. Having moved from the hipster spice route where cycling was quick and easy it has really put me off and am even thinking of getting gears.
I have moved to the top of a brutally steep hill in Sarf London and combined with having a baby I think I might have been out on the bike about 5 times in the last 8 months. It's really killed my mojo because even after a nice ride the climb at the end always leaves me sweaty and busted of lung. Having moved from the hipster spice route where cycling was quick and easy it has really put me off and am even thinking of getting gears.