So, I've come full circle in spotting the very first Vulpine cycling fete on this here forum many moons ago (and meeting loads of you there) to now helping to organise the biggest one yet! The Vulpine Cyclogames will take place at Oval Space, E2 9DT from 12 til 6pm on Sunday 8th December. A fun day out for cyclists of all ages and abilities, we hope the games will bring together the most unlikeliest of competitors in fun and vibrant surroundings!
We'd be well pleased if you'd pop along, enter a few competitions, check out some beautiful bikes and generally have a jolly good time in aid of three wonderful cycling causes; Wheels for Wellbeing, Herne Hill Velodrome and Rollapaluza Outreach. We have some brilliant people involved including Matt Stephens & Ned Boulting plus a whole host of stalls and gorgeous art for you to peruse. DID I MENTION CASH PRIZES?!?!
Will justmouse be there?