I seem to recall it involving emerging through a half-built road onto some very fresh tarmac before we got to that spur of the busway that leads across to the hospital, but things will have eveolved over the last two years, and when I was in Cambridge last week I didn't have time to check. So some local knowledge on this part would be handy, at the risk of being swamped with suggestions from the flatlanders!
Half built road is now finished.
It's pretty self explanatory, you come off the DNA path, do about 300 yards on the new road then go left over a bridge onto the busway.
If I'm anywhere near the front I'll happily point the way, but don't rely on my legs holding out if the ride is pacey.
Half built road is now finished.
It's pretty self explanatory, you come off the DNA path, do about 300 yards on the new road then go left over a bridge onto the busway.
If I'm anywhere near the front I'll happily point the way, but don't rely on my legs holding out if the ride is pacey.