2008 Corima Aero + front track wheel which is a bit out of true - 3mm or so. It should really be trued up before use. I've bought a corima spoke tool off ebay but it was too large to fit through the nipple holes in the rim (it needs a non standard size wrench - v small). Since I don't need it I've decided to just flog it as it is. So a bargain if you know somewhere that has the right sized tool.
It has the corima carbon hub, sapim bladed spokes and weighs in at 565g!
£150 or I'd consider swapping for a good set of tubular track wheels i.e sprint rims on good quality hubs.
2008 Corima Aero + front track wheel which is a bit out of true - 3mm or so. It should really be trued up before use. I've bought a corima spoke tool off ebay but it was too large to fit through the nipple holes in the rim (it needs a non standard size wrench - v small). Since I don't need it I've decided to just flog it as it is. So a bargain if you know somewhere that has the right sized tool.
It has the corima carbon hub, sapim bladed spokes and weighs in at 565g!
£150 or I'd consider swapping for a good set of tubular track wheels i.e sprint rims on good quality hubs.
collect in Brum or postage circa £7 insured